themed Cakes

Painted buttercream cake to a flower fairy theme. Inside, a chocolate sponge with vanilla buttercream and vanilla crumb.

A lemon sponge filled with vanilla buttercream and vanilla crumb.

Vanilla sponge filled with mango curd and vanilla crumb.

Chocolate sponge with vanilla buttercream and vanilla crumb.
celebration Cakes

Summer themed cake decorated with buttercream and chocolate pieces.

Buttercream cake decorated with gold sugar lace and fresh roses.

Chocolate sponge with vanilla buttercream and vanilla crumb.

cupcakes and OTHER TREATS

Our crowd favourite - A lychee sponge filled with raspberry curd and lychee pieces.

Mixed nuts flavoured with brown sugar, rosemary and cayenne.

A moist carrot cake filled with caramelised apples and salted caramel

Pear, raspberry, mango, passionfruit and ginger. Mix and match these flavours as you please.